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Products by Green Swan Financial Ltd  (FCA regulatory licence pending)


The UK's EMI specialist in Dormant Funds Management and Wind-Down Assurance 

Regulated products are provided by Green Swan Compliance Ltd's partner company Green Swan Financial Ltd.


Green Swan Financial Ltd is currently in the process of applying for an EMI license from the FCA.  


Please follow us on LinkedIn for updates and register here for our waitlist.

Green Swan Financial Ltd intends to offer the following products:

  1. EMI dormant funds management

  2. Wind-down Assurance 

  3. Charitable giving of dormant funds

Regulatory Audit as a Service (RAaaS)

Some regulated products may get a lower risk-based pricing allocation and be cheaper when you complete a Regulatory Audit as a Service (RAaaS) with our partner company Green Swan.

RAaaS can be run in the 'internal health check' and 'internal audit' modes at any time. This helps you identify potential issues quickly and cost-effectively making a RAaaS a 'win-win' for everyone.

Environmental Audits included with RAaaS.

Doing our bit for the planet and being green is part of our culture and values at Green Swan Financial. We have a strong commitment to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), environmental protection and the stability of Financial Services. 

Our Regulatory Audits as a Service (RAaaS) allows you to do digital environmental audits as part of the RAaaS.  Climate Change and Financial Stability are inextricably linked with financial inclusion

Climate change creates new challenges for central banks, regulators and supervisors.  To find out more on Green Swan Theory please read the book and check out the Forbes article: 'What are Green Swans and Why they Matter'.

Green Swan Compliance
 and our partner Deep Fathom can support your environmental auditing requirements and efforts to protect the planet for everyone. From a small firm just starting out and looking to implement a Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) continuous improvement cycle for Environmental and Social Governance, or if you are doing B CORP CERTIFICATION,  or a large organisation implementing ISO 14001 or Wates Corporate Principles our RAaaS has a long heritage in auditing for ISO standards and Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) from micro-enterprises to international organisations. 

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